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My Work



Please note that all poems are under copyright laws as original work written by Rose.

Please do not use in any way.

Universal Relationships

Finalist in Contest

Communication is the key,
Although important,
It is not enough just for one to talk,
And one to listen,
You must truly hear and understand what the other means.

Understanding comes from taking the time,
To learn everything about each other,
What makes each other happy, what makes each other sad,
What gets on the other’s nerves, and makes them mad,
This is when you finally can forgive anything and be proud to say ‘your mine’.

Forgiveness is needed on many levels and in many ways,
Once you find the history to that has been lived,
You can begin to forgive in advance,
For that thing that has not yet happened,
And it will give the patience you will need to make it to the next day.

Patience is a factor that can lift your love high,
This is something to be included in all aspects of your lives,
And not just in some,
Find the way to be patient with any challenge that love will bring your way,
No matter how big or how small,
This is when you finally get to compromise,

Compromise is not necessarily a trade,
It is the willing to acknowledge the things you need to change,
Not just because the other feels that you should,
But also because you see their point of view,
This won’t work unless you keep the new promises you’ve made.

Equals is the only way to treat each other,
This will be your lock,
No one can be placed above or below,
When it comes to love,
This is the only way,
As individuals you can both stand tall.

Except each other for who you already are,
Don’t dwell on what you can not change,
And learn to work around those things,
Always remember why you fell in love in the first place,
To change too much will take that away,
For the things that make you different will keep things interesting,
As long as, more than any one else, you listen to your heart.

All these things and so much more,
Will help to work things out,
Realize that no ones perfect will erase some doubt,
Remember and practice all these things,
This is how you’ll get to keep,
The sweet emotion that was created,
And love will get to soar.


Universal Relationships
Finding the Light of Day
Strength of the Wind
Finding the Light of Day

Published in "The Best Poets and Poetry of 2001" by

A heart torn between love and passion
A mind that can’t wait for another session
A body that yearns for that loving touch
A soul for one person it loves too much
A life that has had so much taken away
Eyes that have opened now have something to say
Ears that won’t hear the sounds of control
Lips that move but the voice he stole

All of these things have taken a stand
And will no longer be silent for one single man
Happiness will once again be found
And feet will be back on firm solid ground

Once again I will rely on me
Find that feeling when I was free
Speak my mind without holding anything back
Stop wondering what he’ll say when I have that extra snack
Listen to that voice calling me down the right path
Spend more than an hour relaxing in a hot bubble bath
Be more prepared for what life decides to start
But above all I will be true to my heart

Strength of the Wind

Semi-Finals in Contest

As the wind whispers through the trees
I think about my dreams
The ones that haunt me
The ones that please me
And the ones that are meant to be

As the wind runs through my hair
It makes me feel so bare
But when around me I wrap my arms
I feel I am safe from harm

As the wind decides to tease
It brings me to me knees
While I am down is when I ask "why me"
I then realize for now it is the way it must be

As the wind grows bold
That is when I am told
The wind will carry me away
To the place happiness will always stay

Memory Lane

To be a prisoner of your body,
Is very hard to explain.
My body is at war each and every day.
I hear voices in the distance,
They say I’ll be okay,
So I wait and I pray
As I struggle to get through another day

I’m told on a regular basis,
How I’m too young to be going through this.
Yet the ones who could help choose not to notice,
Just how much I’ve been suffering for months,
Or how quickly my life became a prisoner of the pain.

I fight with all I have to keep my spirit alive,
For it’s the only way I know how to survive.
Meanwhile I’ll continue to sit curled up in a ball,
Keep my arm wrapped tight around me
So I can bare any movement at all.
And wait for the day the healing begins,
When a prisoner I can no longer be,
For I have won the battle and my life I have back.

Memory Lane

The way that you move in the water
Makes memories come back
Because when you were younger
You just would not do that

The way that you sing on the stage
Makes memories fill my eyes
Because when I was down
Your words made problems die

The way that you make me feel better
Brings memories alive
Because when you were sick
It was me by your side

The way that you sit beside me
Takes me on a trip to memory lane
Because it's the way I am now
That your memories will always stain

Comments & Reviews
Comments (1)

21 mar 2023


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